Special Collections collection development policy

Collection rationale

Special Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries acquires materials that support teaching and research at the University of Arizona. By building on areas of existing and proposed strengths, and adding new collections that respond to academic needs related to long term teaching and research specialties; Special Collections is committed to developing distinctive holdings by acquiring unique materials that will build in regional topical areas.

Collection responsibility

Collecting responsibilities reside ultimately with Special Collections with input from appropriate stakeholders.

Collection methods

Acquisition made through gifts

Donations are the preferred mode of acquisition for Special Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries. Members of Special Collections, Library Administrators and Library Faculty solicit gifts of materials from individuals and organizations. University of Arizona alumni, faculty members, and other members of the university and larger community provide assistance in identifying potential donors.

The Libraries typically require an executed gift agreement or alternate instrument of acknowledgement transferring ownership to the library. Loans of materials are generally not accepted, but in special circumstances materials may be accepted on deposit, pending transfer of ownership to the library. Deposited materials receive the environmental and security protections accorded to all collections, but will receive a minimal level of processing. The library will not accept collections permanently closed to users. Special Collections at the University of Arizona Libraries encourages unrestricted gifts.

Acquisitions made through purchase

Acquisitions are also made through the purchase of items selected from dealers, auctions, and from private individuals or organizations. Special Collections endowment funds are often employed for making purchases.

Collecting priorities and descriptions to major collections

The Library's future and current collecting activities focus on collecting to strength, purchasing according to fund parameters, responding to gift and purchase opportunities, supporting current academic needs, and developing new collecting initiatives to serve research needs, both current and future. All formats are collected as appropriate. More detailed information about collections areas  that we we are actively acquiring can be found on what we collect page