Reclaiming the Border Narrative 'Fronteriforum' virtual roundtable



1 to 3 p.m., Oct. 18, 2023


From the Rio Grande Valley, to the Paso del Norte Region, Baja California, and beyond, borderlands communities are engaging a vast toolbox of cultural organizing strategies to advance homegrown narratives and challenge harmful perspectives about the US-Mexico border and migration.

Join University of Arizona Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry and University Libraries Special Collections for this virtual roundtable to hear how organizations across the borderlands are using art, culture, storytelling and archiving to build power.



Josue Ramirez, Co-founder and Managing Director of Trucha, multidisciplinary artist and advocate practicing in the Rio Grande Valley

Michelle Carreon, Food Justice Storyteller at La Semilla Food Center, based in Anthony, New Mexico and the broader Paso del Norte Region

Sarah Soto, Financial Director and Co-founder of Espacio Migrante, based in Tijuana, Baja California


Dr. Celeste González de Bustamante, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Moody College of Communication. She holds the Mary Gibbs Jones Centennial Chair in the School of Journalism and Media at the University of Texas-Austin