File sharing

Sharing music, video, software, and other multimedia files through peer-to-peer networks often violates copyright law. When it does, it can also violate the UA Acceptable Use of Computers and Networks policy and the ABOR Student Code of Conduct.

Copyright owners can be very active in their pursuit of alleged violators. The University of Arizona takes it very seriously when there are allegations of illegal file sharing using University networks and computers.

Use the links below to learn more. If you’re unsure about whether what you want to do is legal or not, contact our copyright librarian Ellen Dubinsky.

Annual notice regarding unauthorized reproduction and distribution of copyrighted material
A brief explanation of illegal peer-to-peer file sharing and its possible consequences.

Music Matters
A list of legal music services.

Watch It Legally
A list of legal movie and TV show services.

Electronic Frontier Foundation
An organization “fighting for a constructive solution that gets artists paid while making file sharing legal.”

Contact us

If you have any questions, contact our copyright librarian, Ellen Dubinsky.