UAPress got Ms. Magazine shout-out for 'Lavender Fields'

UAPress got Ms. Magazine shout-out for 'Lavender Fields'

Feb. 2, 2023

Lavender Fields: Black Women Experiencing Fear, Agency, and Hope in the Time of COVID-19 made Ms. Magazine’s January "Reads for the Rest of Us."

Published by the University of Arizona Press (UAPress), and edited by Julia A. Jordan-ZacheryLavender Fields uses autoethnography to explore how Black girls and women are living with and through COVID-19. It centers their pain, joys, and imaginations for a more just future as we confront all the inequalities that COVID-19 exposes.

Black women and girls in the United States are among the hardest hit by the pandemic in terms of illnesses, deaths, evictions, and increasing economic inequality. Riffing off Alice Walker’s telling of her search for Zora Neal Hurston, the authors of these essays and reflections offer raw tellings of Black girls’ and women’s experiences written in real time, as some of the contributors battled COVID-19 themselves.

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